It all started when one day I was driving home…
Born and raised in North West London I was one day on my way home and I passed a skip full of floorboards outside someone’s house. For no reason whatsoever I knocked on the door and asked If the floor boards were being dumped. To my surprise they were and the owner said I was welcome to them..
After 3 trips back and forth in my old Volvo 740 Wagon full to the brim I got them back to my flat where I was met by my bemused partner, “.. and what are you gonna do with all this crap then?!” A good question it was too… I had no idea!
After spending several nights denailing the boards and sorting them into decent lengths I now needed to decide what to do with them.. We lived on top of a bank and had a pretty big roof terrace so I decided I would make some furniture to enjoy the great British summer time! With this in mind we needed it to be covered!!
I was relatively pleased with the fruits of my labour and a passion was born. I took my boot sale bought £10 mitre saw and moved on to the next project….
9 years later and I’m on the other side of the world with more power tools and a fully functioning workshop recycling timber and turning old fences otherwise destined for landfill into the products and wares on this website. Long may it continue…